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How to Install a Decking Board

Decking boards are materials on a deck’s finishing surface to prevent people from falling. These boards should have sufficient thickness to provide a robust feel to the unsupported joist distance.

It is advisable to install these items correctly to achieve your desired finish. Wood is the best decking material due to its numerous benefits. Wooden decks provide a comfortable feel to the feet and can be put almost everywhere.

Below we discuss how to install a decking board properly.

  1. Plan Your Boards Layout Before Installing

An essential thing to do before you install a decking board is to plan its layout. Planning this layout enables you to shun issues like uneven gaps, split boards, and raised screw heads. You are advised to begin by measuring its area and develop a basic design.

Remember, wider board gaps mean more water will pass through the board, meaning you should not space it too much. Also, you should ensure sufficient room for railing and stairs when needed.

The next step after planning its layout is to indicate the joist locations on the ground. This move is mainly important when you start installing these boards. You should consider the sun’s direction and design your deck to receive enough sunlight.

  1. Eliminate Debris from the Ground Before Installation Begins

It is advisable to ensure no debris is on the ground before you begin installing your decking boards. Kindly avoid installations on uneven grounds as it might tilt your deck framing. Debris also limits the screws from gripping the board correctly.

Homeowners should use shovels to make the ground level before cleaning by use of a broom to achieve this. You are also advised to ensure your surface is crack-free if the deck is installed over concrete.

  1. Install them Perpendicular to Your Joists

Homeowners must install their decking boards perpendicular to the joists to ensure full support. You should begin by installing one board to the deck’s end and ensure it is straight by use of a level.

After the initial deck falls into place, mark and measure the other board’s locations and install each using the exact method.

  1. Stagger Your Board’s Joints

It is essential to stagger your board’s joints when installing them to prevent them from splitting or warping. To achieve this, you should install the first board at the end of the deck, followed by the second, and ensure you use a level to make the boards secure.

  1. Ensure the Board is Straight by Using a Spirit Level

It is crucial to install a straight wooden verand to avoid unwanted injuries. It would help if you used spirit levels to eliminate hills or bumps to achieve this. Homeowners can also use a rake or shovel if necessary to ensure the boards are straight before they install the screws.

Final Thoughts

The above article has discussed how to install them, and you can reach out for more information.

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