
The best way to look your body younger?

Friends, do you also want to look young and attractive?  Want to make a different identity in your logo.  So today we will tell you with the help of this article how the best way to look your body young?  Can be seen.  In this we have shared some tips, if you follow them then you will definitely look young, so stay with this article till the end.

1. Coconut Milk

Coconut milk is very effective in providing moisture to dry skin.  It is helpful in removing wrinkles.  Apply raw coconut milk on your face and wash it off with clean water after it dries.  With the help of this, your face will get a good glow and your face will bloom.

2. Cream and Lemon Juice

Malai helps to clean our face, which makes our face beautiful and attractive.  On the other hand, lemon juice bleaches the skin, which gives a glow to our face.  Mix two to three drops of lemon juice in half a teaspoon of cream and apply it to your face.  Keep it like this for some time, after clean it and wash it with cold water.  Do this three to four times a week and see the difference in a few days.

3. Use rose water

Rosewater brings beauty to the face, our skin is tight, due to which wrinkles stop appearing.  Mix three to four drops of glycerin in two to three drops of rose water.  Add half a teaspoon of lemon juice to it and apply it on your face or the place where wrinkles are visible before sleeping at night.  Apart from this, you mix a spoonful of curd and a spoonful of honey in a spoonful of rose water, mix this paste by making a ripe banana finely juicy and apply it to your face. Wash off after drying.  Do this process twice a week, after some time you will see the difference.

4. work out

It is always best to exercise to look young.  If you exercise for some time daily, then it does not make your body fat, unnecessary fat does not appear on your stomach.  It is very important for a man to be fit in the eyes of most of the youth.  All the heroes we see in the film industry, are very old in age but still, they are not so old, the secret of this is that they keep exercising daily.  In exercise, you can do Surya Namaskar in the morning, running, jogging, swimming, cycling, or jumping rope.

5. Take nutritious food

Just as much exercise is necessary to make the body fit and healthy, in the same way, right food and drink is very important for our body.  Unless our internal machine runs properly and smoothly, we cannot remain fit from outside. If there is no power in your body from within, then the external show is totally bad.  For a right and balanced diet, you should take good vitamins, calories, protein, and iron in your food.  Apart from this, consume milk properly.  Green vegetables are beneficial for health.  To make the body fit, you drink shop, or shake.

6. Use of Cucumber

To reduce the darkness and wrinkles under the eyes, you can put pieces of raw cucumber in your eyes.  Apart from this, mix finely grated cucumber in curd and apply on the face, after drying wash it with water.  Within a few days, the wrinkles will be removed from the face and the glow will start coming. Other ways that always help you look young:-
  • Rub a piece of papaya on your face and after drying take a bath, do this experiment smoothly for a few days and the difference will be visible.
  •  Include moong dal in the diet.  Eat moong dal daily as much as you can.  It is rich in Vitamin E which helps in looking youthful.
  •  Broccoli is rich in vitamin C and fever, it controls weight and prevents many diseases.  So add broccoli to your meals.
  • Drink carrot juice daily, it is rich in vitamins.  It is very helpful in removing wrinkles.
  • Brush your teeth thoroughly daily. With its help, you can look younger.
  •  Keep your hair tied at all times, this will prevent your hair from falling.  Protect the hair from getting salt.  Hair is very beneficial for youth and beauty.


Friends, through this article, we have given you this information about how you can look young.  If you follow the tips given in this article, then you will definitely benefit and you will also start looking young.

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